100 Heart-Touching Emotional Goodbye Letter To Girlfriend

Saying goodbye is never an easy task. Because it means you are parting with someone you loved dearly or with whom you have shared wonderful moments over time. Hence, writing an Emotional goodbye letter to girlfriend will take some courage. You may have to find the good in the goodbye.
Though your emotional goodbye letter to your girlfriend will come with so many emotions, you should still be able to express yourself in such a way that your girlfriend will be able to appreciate it, which is the very reason I am here to help.
Emotional Goodbye Letter To Girlfriend
I am much aware you are here to find some of the best ways to write an emotional goodbye letter to girlfriend, I have helped you in compiling some below. You can go through them and choose the one that best suits you and send it to that gorgeous girlfriend of yours traveling, relocating, or leaving.
1. My dear girlfriend, it is very hard for me to say goodbye at this time but I will have to say it anyways. The time we spent together meant so much to me and I have come to love and cherish the kind of woman you have grown up to be. You have developed into such a fantastic personality with a cordial heart and an amazing soul.
The best moments we shared will last forever with me because I will keep treasuring them in my heart. My love for you is greater, stronger, and better than ever even as we are far apart. I love you. From Your dearest, Jack.
2. Saying goodbye comes with so much emotion for me. Where should I start, how we met and quickly bonded, or how I couldn’t stay off staring at you because I found you so attractive? Our stay together has been short but they are repleted with the best of memories.
I will keep missing your way of showing me love and affection. Goodbye Janny, from your best love.
3 Dear love, I must say I am very proud of you as my lover. The passion and vigor with which you pursue your dreams are very contagious.
I will always appreciate the fact that I have you as my love and best friend. I will always prefer to have you around me always but I will not want to stand in the way of your dreams. It is for the best and this will make our lives better. I can’t stop loving you, dear. From your best love, Juliet.
3. A lady like you is very hard to come by. You love passionately, you care tenderly and you share completely. That I will have to say goodbye to you come with so many emotions but I have so much peace in the fact that my heart is always with you and your love will never reduce in my heart. With love from James.
4. Dear love, as I express my heart to you with this letter from California, I feel so emotional about being miles away from you. I wish we could be together here but that is the less possible reality now. Though we might be miles away, my heart always craves for you.
I think of you every now and then. I am very sure everything will be pleasant again once I have you around. From your sweetest love.
5. 1. There has been a huge vacuum in my heart because you’re gone. You were my heartbeat, my sweet love, and my best friend. I thought we could work it out. Now all I have left are memories and great emotions. I wish you the best girl; IS will always cherish your love!
6. I can’t appreciate you enough for being the most precious jewel in my life. , for being the most spectacular person ever in my life. You are so loving, understanding, and kindhearted! You are the best lover ever! I miss talking to you every day but you are always in my heart.
7. I wish I will never have to say this goodbye. I always want to hold you close and never let you go. But have to bid you farewell soon. But do know that you are the love I have been looking for all my life. My heart is because of our love and it can never be broken. I will always love you but I’m thinking the time has come for us to say goodbye. Kisses
8. I can’t believe you are leaving. Nothing has ever hurt so much in my life. I feel so empty and sad knowing it is the end of us. I still remember the first time I laid my eyes on you, and how your smile lit up my entire day.
I am going to miss everything about you, but mostly I will miss waking up next to you each morning. You took a part of my heart with you; not a day will go by when I don’t love and cherish you.
9. I will miss you so much. This should never have happened, but it did. But, I couldn’t imagine my life with anyone else. You are the most amazing person I have ever met, and you mean everything to me. You are my heart, my soul, and everything that I hold dear in the world. I will always love you, even when we are apart.
10. I am writing this as an expression of how grateful I am for all the love you shared with me. My stay with you was like living in a dreamland. You are always full of smiles, always joking, and very full of life. I just want to let you know that you mean so much to me.
I love everything about your body, your mind, and your heart. Plus you are so hot! You are not only my girlfriend but my best friend.
11. I . It is so hard for me that I let you slip away. You were the best, and the one I always wanted to spend the rest of my time with. It makes me so sad that I won’t be there until the end, though I still wish we could come together again someday.
12. I wrote this letter for you but it hurts too much to give it to you. Hopefully one day we will see each other again and the wording of this letter will just be a memory. I was thinking about you today and all of the good times we’ve had together, the happy memories, and some that are not so pleasant.
The most recent being me, having to say “goodbye” to you at my departure from the state. Seeing your face and talking.
13. The last year has been quite hard for me. Life just hasn’t seemed fair. I can honestly say that you are the light at the end of my tunnel. Nothing in the world can be compared to the love I have for you, and you are the ONE I want to spend the rest of my life with.
14. 10. I thank God each day for finding you and having you in my life because without you I don’t think I could have survived knowing how beautiful life is with you. You have changed me in so many ways and your influence had made me a better person.
15. 11. As I write this letter, tears are rolling down my cheeks. My heart feels a lot of pain. I don’t know if you will find this letter or not. I am leaving because of many things; some of them are your fault and the rest are mine. Please forgive me for any hurt I caused you. It is just too much for me.
16. 12. Hello sweet, I tried to drop this letter for you many times but I couldn’t just find the right words. I love you so much with all my heart.
You are one of the most amazing people I have ever met, but these days, the distance has not just been a friend of our relationship, we have seemed so distant that I wish things could be returned to the way they were many years ago when we first met. As promised, Just remember I will always love you.
17. 13. I miss you so much. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my entire life. I wish we could go back to when things were easy, and we didn’t have to leave each other’s side.
My world is so empty without you, but you are always in my heart. You wanted me to tell you this if this ever happened, and I would do it thousand times over because I know even if we don’t talk for eternity.
18. 14. I know you are upset, but I need to let you go. This is the hardest thing I will ever have to do. You are my world, my best friend, the girl that makes me laugh.
We have spent so many good times together that I can’t bear to leave you all alone. I am sorry for the pain that I have caused you. May God be with you always!
Emotional Goodbye Message To Girlfriend
In case parting is necessary and for the good of your girl or both of you, these Emotional goodbye messages to girlfriend will help you express yourself in the best way possible.
It has been written in such a way that will find them suitable for you with little or no editing at all.
1. I never regret loving you because it is the best decision of my life. Having to say goodbye now is just too hard for me but you have to make this trip, so I have to say it anyways. I will miss you so much, sweet love. Goodbye.
2. I don’t know how I can survive this; the thought of you leaving town and going miles away from me is very excruciating. You will always be in my heart, goodbye sweet love
3. Choosing between me and this trip abroad is not an option, but since it is very important to you and it is a step forward for us, all I can do now is wish you the best of luck on your trip. I love you so much, my baby girl. Goodbye.
4. As much as I know I have to wish you a good and safe journey on this trip abroad, it greatly hurt that my sweet love will now be many miles away from me. I can’t wait to have you back dear love. Farewell.
5. I love you so much, I will always want you to be by my side so we can always share love and affection but I will be selfish to let this come in the way of your dreams. Have a safe trip, my love. Goodbye.
6. The best of love is expressed through the heart. You may not be here physically Betty but my heart love cherishes, and care about you darling. Do have a great trip love.
7. I feel so nervous that the love of my life, partner, and best friend will be leaving me in a few days. I wish this is just a dream, alas it is a reality I have to embrace. Goodbye love.
8. I didn’t know what it means to have your best friend as your boyfriend until I met you. Now the thought of us being apart because of your trip abroad leaves me emotional. Love you, farewell.
9. Whether in sight or out of sight you will always be my love and I will always love you. Safe journey dear, farewell.
10. Loving you has been the most fulfilling adventure of my life. Even with you out of sight, my love for you will never diminish. I love you so much, darling. Blissful farewell.
11. Life with you has been heaven on earth for me. You’re loving, sexy, romantic and so caring. I will miss everything about you, my love. Safe trip and farewell.
12. Life has been so fair to me, to always have you by my side, now I feel like my world is coming to an end with the thought of you going abroad. But I know I am not losing you. I will miss you so much, sweetie. Farewell.
13. I am so overwhelmed with emotions at the thought of you going abroad. Because I can hardly imagine a world without you around me. Congratulations love, and farewell.
14. I can’t thank you enough for lifting me at my worse and even at my best. You are always a source of hope and inspiration to me. Farewell, dear, I love you so much.
15. I feel so happy and safe when I am in your arms. I hope I wouldn’t feel less when you are away. Farewell, dear.
16. You feel my thought in the morning and you are my last thought before I go to bed. You will always remain my best. Farewell love.
17. The sound of your voice is my favorite. I will always love and cherish you, my love. Farewell.
18. You are the one I have spent the best of my awesome moment with. Even when you are far away, your love keeps beating fast in my heart. Farewell love.
19. I am so glad your dream of leaving the country has come to fruition. This I believe will never put a limit on our love. I am waiting for you to come for me. Farewell, for now, darling.
20. Every moment I shared with you really matters to me. They gave me so much joy and fulfillment. I will always cherish you, dear. Farewell
Goodbye Message To Someone You Love
1. You are the best thing in my life. I will miss you, but I have to say goodbye now. I hope things work out for you and that you find what you’ve been searching for. I love you, cheers!
2. Goodbye my love!! I wish you all the happiness you can ever find. I hope that you find someone who will care for you, love and cherish you as much as I did. I want to thank you for this precious time we had together, and for making me have such happy memories I will live to cherish.
3. It’s not the best that we have to part ways now but the reality is that we can’t be together any longer though you will still be loved, cherished, and cared for endlessly. I hope someday you find someone just as great as I was! Wish them well, and don’t forget to hold them so tightly. Goodbye!
4. I know it may not seem vague, but this time away will do you a lot of good. I love you, and will always be there for you no matter what. I’m sending a lot of hugs and kisses. I can’t wait to see you again soon!
5. I knew you were special from the start. I don’t know what I did to deserve such a beautiful soul, but I am forever grateful. You taught me that first impressions can be wrong. You slowed down a life that was moving too quickly, giving me a new outlook on things.
Thank you for bringing so much happiness into my life and showing me how to love myself again. I will miss your Sunday morning visits but understand you are where you need to be right now. I love you!
6. Although I am going away for a long time, it won’t change how much I love you. You are the light of my life and you will always be in my heart no matter what happens between now and when I come home. Thank you for all the memories, all the laughs, and even all the tears. Know that I will never forget you, and I will always love you.
7. I know I wasn’t the best boyfriend to you, and I’m sorry. Even though you’re leaving and we will be apart, know that you are still my friend in my heart. I hope things work out for you in whatever it is you’re going to do. Know that I will always love and support you.
8. I never knew that you needed a friend, but now I am very glad to be your friend. You will always have my support in your work and personal endeavors. If the conditions ever improve, I will be happy to meet you again. Please accept my apologies for not being able to say goodbye in person. Take care.
9. I never told you this but one of the things I really loved about you was that you didn’t take yourself too seriously. I hope you hold to that trait and find happiness in whatever it is you want to do.
10. No matter what happens, I am always here for you. We have a friendship that cannot be broken by anything but death. You’re one of the best friends I’ve ever had and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’m truly sad to see you go, but we will meet again. Happy trails cowboy…
11. I’m still so shocked that you are going away. We had so many wonderful memories together as if it were just yesterday. I will miss you terribly and love you even more. You are forever in my heart, I love you!
12. I’m writing this letter to you because I don’t want to tell you goodbye. I don’t want to leave your side, but my heart is telling me that it’s time for me to go. I’m starting a new chapter in my life and you can’t be there with me, but that doesn’t mean my love for you ends here and now.
13. First, thank you for the love and support you gave me. I will never forget you. If I ever meet another girl who is as kind and wonderful as you, I will find a way to be your friend, but don’t expect it anytime soon. You mean the world to me and I will never forget the memories we shared. Thank you and goodbye!
14. You were truly a great friend. I appreciate all you did for me, and I will miss you. You are a joy to be around, and I hope that your life brings you much joy. Thanks for everything, farewell
15. Hi [name], I’m writing this letter because I know that you’re in a better place now. I know that you found peace and you’re at peace with yourself. I miss you so much! And I still think of you every day. But know that you are always in my heart.
16. I love you and will always love you, until my dying breath. I can’t bear to lose you but wish only happiness for you. I tried to fight it, even though it hurt like hell, but I’ll never truly get over you. Goodbye my best friend, goodbye my soul mate.
17. I deeply regret the decisions I made when I first arrived in Atlanta. It was all a cover-up to disguise the pain I was feeling at home. The truth is, I miss you and want to come back so badly. You were the first girl I ever loved, and you will always be the only one. If this letter can somehow reach you, please contact me as soon as possible.
18. To my love, my soon-to-be ex-husband. We had a good run and we overcame so much together, but I can’t go on with this anymore. I’m sorry…We’ve been through a lot and we will no doubt be through more, but I can’t handle it anymore. Goodbye.
19. I can only hope that we will be friends for life. Whatever happens, know that you are in my thoughts and heart forever. I love you so much!
20. Hey, I’m writing this letter to you because I’m not sure if it’s my last chance to say goodbye. You see, I think I might not be strong enough to handle it all. I don’t even remember why I ever loved you so much, as right now it feels like hard work. Maybe it’s the first time in a long while, I see things clearly without your veil of lies and manipulation. Maybe it’s the fact that you’re with someone else, who knows?
21. This is the end, my beautiful friend. If you were here, I would kiss you so hard and tell you how much I love you. You are more than a best friend to me. We have shared so many laughs, smiles, and memories that nobody could ever take away from us.
Our friendship will last through the distance, through the good times, and especially in the bad times. I’m so glad we found each other. I love you with all of my heart and soul.
How To Say Goodbye To Someone You Love In A Text
1. My heart is hesitant to say goodbye, your happiness and fulfillment most important! Goodbye, love!
2. I can hardly imagine the void I feel in my heart at your departure! How will I pass each day, love?
3. Baby, you were the greatest treasure in my life, and it saddens my heart to say goodbye!
4. Goodbye, my dear. Your departure will create an irreplaceable gap in my soul!
5. You can be miles away but the memories shared with you will always stay close to my heart! Goodbye, love!
6. Sweetest goodbye to you, darling. My heart bleeds to see you leave my side!
7. Farewells are always painful, but more difficult when you’re far away on other side! I will always miss you, my love!
Emotional Goodbye Messages for Girlfriend
1. You will always be the brightest and most beautiful star in my world. I will choose to spend my life with you over and over again if I am asked to make the choice again and again. Goodbye!
2. Though you go far away from the memories you will always be here with me as long as I’m alive. Goodbye!
3. No one means a lot to me like you; you are everything I wish for, and everything I am living for. I only wish I could make you stay with me forever!
4. The thought of losing you has created the worst nightmare in my life. Now, having to say goodbye for a while brings the greatest pain of my entire life.
5. If life will be very fair to me, I will be looking forward to having a second chance with you. Goodbye for now love!
6. You came into my life and completed it with so much joy and extreme bliss. Now your departure is leaving me with a lot of gloom and a big hole in my heart. Goodbye!
7. You are leaving a big void in my heart that could never be filled with anything. It saddens my heart to see you leave but I have to prioritize your happiness and fulfillment. Goodbye!
8. If you were never meant to be mine, you will never have come into my life in the first place, so I still believe we could be back together in a happy mode again. Goodbye!