100+ Romantic And Cute Ways Of How To Say I Love You Over Text

Love is a beautiful thing and expressing love should not be something that is done casually, there should be some good skill to it so the depth of your heart could be communicated. That is why I am writing how to say I love you over a text to help you skillfully express your love to the one you cherish so much.
How To Say I Love You Over Text
Below is a beautiful list of how to say I love you over text that will get your message properly across to the one you love.
Choose one or two of this list of how to say I love you over text and sent it as a short text message to your loved one and be surprised how much they will appreciate it.
1. I will love to keep you reminded that I love you so much and you mean all the world to me.
2. Remember, I love you for the exact person you are, and I will never stop supporting you for who you are going to be.
3. From the first day I met you, I haven’t stopped being grateful to God for such a wonderful soul you are. I cherish you always.
4. Such a heart of gold you have, you are always precious to me and I will never stop loving you, sweetheart.
5. Every day I thought of you in my life, I can’t express the joy and fulfillment that fills my heart. You are my precious jewel always.
6. I love you today and forever, if I would have to choose over and over again, you will be my choice for your love is inestimable in my heart.
7. Every time I’m with you, the only thought I have is to be closer.
Ad for me, being home is coming back to you.
8. Love is always sweet and worthwhile with you. You always make me smile and joyous every time I am with you.
9. The day I met you my dream of meeting the perfect one was fulfilled. I will never trade you for anything or anyone in this world. I love you dear.
10. This is to let you know that I always love and cherish you. Nobody can ever take your place in my heart sweetheart. I love you so much.
11. You can tell me the same story over and over again, just know that I can’t get tired of hearing your sonorous voice. Love your dear.
12. If words were to be compared with anything, I will like yours to honey with because they are always sweet to my hearing and that is why I can’t get tired of listening to you. You are all I have dear.
13. Don’t think distance is any issue between us, my heart beats always with your love and I can’t have enough of you. I love you, sweetie.
14. In the daytime, I have you as the shining light of my life, in the night period, I always have you as my guiding star.
15. What I blessing it is to have you as a lover. I will always thank my star for meeting you and choosing you as my one and only.
16. I feel blessed each moment I realize I have someone like you in my world. My world feels like paradise with you in my life.
17. Without you in my life, I can’t imagine how empty my world would be. You are an emissary of love, leave, and joy in my life. I love you.
18. Life without you will be an empty one. I can’t imagine how my world would be without you in my life. I cherish you so much.
19. It will be very hard to measure the depth of My love for you. I can’t deny my heart is always full of it.
20. I am always intoxicated by your rapturous love. I will never stop loving you, sweetie.
Cute Ways To Say I Love You For The First Time
Below are some of the cute ways to say I love you for the first time that will pass the message down the heart of your loved one.
1. Setting my eyes on you threw me off balance because no girl has ever gotten my attention this way as you do. I can’t deny that I so much love you.
2. Every morning, I dream of going back to bed holding you till eternity. I love you, dear.
3. My friends asked me why I was always bumming with a smile now and then today? Then I realized your thought has taken over my heart.
4 the hours of the day are not enough when I am in your company; No time is just enough when I am with you. Love you, sweetie.
5. One of the regrets I have about you is that I didn’t meet you earlier. I wonder why it took me so much to meet a sweet and lovely soul like you.
6. Over and over again, I will always choose you because I am most comfortable with you and your cute love. I cherish you dearly.
7. Your appearance looks like an angel directly from heaven; I am so fortunate to have you in my life. I love you.
8. Ever since our paths crossed, my life has been full of pleasant surprises, You are an elegant beauty, who models me into a prince. I love you so much and cherish you a lot.
9. You are the most adorable individual I have ever met. I cherish you so much.
10. I will forever appreciate you for staying with me even in the toughest of times. When the season was dark, you were always available. I don’t know what I would do without you, sweetie.
11. Thank you for always being the reason behind my joy. I am forever devoted to your joy dearie. I love you.
12. I have heard ladies around me in the time past but no single one ever gives me such fulfillment, joy, and happiness that always boom from you. You are one in a million sweetie. I so much cherish you.
13. If I will have to choose a choice of who to be with, I will choose you over and over again because you perfectly complement me. I love you dear.
14. I don’t know what my life would have become without you, I am always grateful that I have you as my queen. Love you dear.
15. Day after day, I wonder what an angel you are. You bring such perfection into my life that no one has ever brought. I can’t stop loving you dear.
16. every day my heart is always full of your love. I can’t wait to have you fully as mine.
17. I have a paradise because I have you in my life. You fit perfectly into my dreams. I love you dear.
18. I will forever bless the day I met you. That was the day heaven decided to smile at me. I love you dear.
19. Every time I set my eyes on you, I feel the depth of what it is to truly love a person. I will always cherish you, dear.
20. Such a perfect angel you are. You are the reason behind my smiles and I promise to always make you smile too.
Funny Ways To Say I Love You In A Text Message
Though love is a serious business, the way to express your love doesn’t have to always be calculous which is hard to understand. Find below some of the finds below some of the funny ways to say I love you in a text message
1. You are the sugar in my tea and the butter in my bread. I love you so much.
2. If there is any crayon in my coloring book, it is actually you.
3. Since I fell for you, I never pray to get up.
4. I am your teddy bear. Meanwhile, not a soft, squishy teddy bear, it is a rocky, six-pack teddy bear.
5. Today, I will write my book of love, I have you as my dedication.
6. I love you much more than creamy ice cream on a hot summer.
7. I love you so much, so much that I find it difficult to put it into words.
8. You are my ice cream and I am your pizza.
9. I crush on you over and over again just like the high school days.
10. You are my tea and I am your biscuits.
Funny Ways To Say I Love You Through Text
Love is always sweet, and as serious as the business of love is, there is a funny way to express your love to the one you have chosen to invest your emotions on especially through text.
Below is a list of some of the Funny ways to say I love you through text. You can take the one that best suits you and send it to that your special love.
1. I love you with every part of my body non-exclusive.
2. I adore you every moment of my life.
3. Loving you is like breathing for me. If I stop loving you then I stop breathing.
4. My sweetie, I just want you to know that I fancy you always.
5. Life without you is unimaginable for me. I love you.
6. Check this text: it says I love you without any apology.
7. Loving you is like medicine to my soul sweetie.
8. If there is time I always cherish in my life, thee are the time we spent together.
9. We are like chocolate and coffee, so compatible.
10. Loving you is a gold mine for me.
11. I love you so much that nothing can come between my love for you not even my love for chocolate. I love you dear.
12. Nothing is like loving you my beautiful damsel not even eating chocolate as sweet as it is.
13. Your beauty is so charming, and adorable nothing in the entire world can be compared to you.
14. I love you every day even in my deep sleep. I love you, babe.
15. I dreamt of loving you, only to wake up living with you. You are my everything dear.
Ways To Text I Love You
Below are some of the ways to text I Love you in the list below.
1. You are my perfect mate, priceless and inestimable. I will always cherish you with all my life. I love you.
2. Every time I thought of you being in my life, I can’t stop wondering how lucky I am. You are my best.
3. The day I met you was the best day of my life, it was the day luck smiled on me and God decided to bless me forever.
4. Every day is brand new with you baby, I love loving you.
5. Loving you is like breathing to me, so easy, natural, and priceless.
6. I love you so much that nothing can come between my love for you not even my love for chocolate. I love you dear.
7. Sometimes I thought my heart is full of you, but I somehow find myself loving you the more.
8. I love you always, then, now, and forever. I can’t love you enough dearie.
9. I can’t get enough of you and your love sweetie. I am learning better ways to express my love to you.
10. With you love is sweet, lovely, and gorgeous. Thank you for coming into my life.
11. You make me smile every now and then, the happiness and fulfillment I get from loving you are out of this world. Thank you, Daisy.
13. Every time you smile, my heart stutters. And I fill very fulfilled.
14. The kind of happiness I get from loving you our heaven on earth. I will choose you over and over again sweetheart.
15. Thank you for your charming smile and indescribable joy every time you are around me. Love you dear.
Cute Ways To Say I Love You Over Text
Below are some of the cute ways to say I love you over text.
1. You brighten my life so much each day; I don’t know how I will ever live not having you around me.
2. You are the sugar in my tea and the butter in my bread. I love you so much, the way I have never loved any human in my entire life.
3. If there is any crayon in my coloring book, it is actually you. Your love is more than sweet wine to me.
4. Since I fell for you, I never prayed to get up because your love keeps me going every now and then
5. I am your teddy bear, meanwhile, not a soft, squishy teddy bear, but a rocky, six-pack teddy bear with a heart full of your love.
6. Today, I will write my book of love, I have you as my dedication know how much the book is about you and how much you love me.
7. I love you much more than creamy ice cream in a hot summer. Ice cream is not as cool and calming as you live in my heart.
8. I love you so much, so much that I find it difficult to put it into words, sweetie.
9. words that mean I love you without saying it